Monday, March 17, 2008

Round 4, can there be any more?!?!?!

So after a great night at HSM on ice, the kids had to get up on Friday and go to school, but only till noon. I picked up Bailey and Danny at noon when Danny got off school and we headed to the lake for the weekend for the St. Pat's parade. Well Friday was a beautiful day. Emily left with Dan at 8 AM and she and her Daddy played 18 holes of golf, at lunch at the club house and had a great day together. Danny, Bailey and I arrived at about 3 PM. Unpacked the car, Dan and Bailey headed out the door for another 18 holes of golf. Emily, Danny and I headed to the outlet mall for some shopping! WOW I love that place. Danny and Emily spent some of there birthday money at the KB Toy store, and Emily picked out a very pretty Easter Dress at the Children's Place. We met up with Dan and Bailey for some dinner then back to the Condo.

Saturday morning arrives, We all head to the club house so Dan and I can get a little workout in. (kids just went with us cause its a really small place). On the way back to the condo we took a vote and decided (well all of us but Emily) that it was way to cold and rainy to go to the parade this year, so instead we would go to the Timber Falls Water Park over at Tan-tar- a (yes, it is indoors). But everyone also decided that we would relax for a while and go after lunch. So everyone of us (yes the kids too) all took a nap, then headed out to the water park about 3 pm.

What fun we had. The kids are now old enough that they could run and play and touch bottom on all the pools there (the deepest is 3ft). They played long and hard (so did Dan and I) They loved the water slides, lazy river, and the girls loved the hot tub the most! Almost 9 pm (it stays open till 10 pm) I told Bailey they had only about 10 more min, and she asked "Can I just get out now and get dressed?" (note to self- this means your child is getting sick). So we grabbed some Burger King (yuck) on the way back to the condo and all 3 were wiped out!

Sunday morning, Dan and I are up and packing. We have a full day today- Dan and Danny are staying behind to play golf, while the girls and I are heading home. Emily has a birthday party for her friend and preschool, and I am going to unpack and get ready for the Birthday party at my Mom and Dad's house that afternoon for both my brother's, both of there spouses, and both Danny and Emily (we do birthday's in quarters in my family). So along comes 9:30 ish and the kids start waking up.............. Bailey is burning up!!!! Well, I have Tylenol and Motrin but no thermometer (note to self- start packing that also). So we load the cars up and each head our directions, only now mine has to take a detour. We get home, unload the car and head up to the Pediatric Urgent Care (its new on Hwy K and laurel Hill next to Starbucks).

1st the doctor swabbed the throat for sure that it would be strep. negative. Next the nose swab for influenza. Positive. Do you think that the drug company's could make the tama flu something that could taste decent for these kids? No way- even with flavor x from Walgreen's she thinks it tastes like crap! And when this kid is sick and does not like the taste of a medicine. SHE WILL NOT TAKE IT!!! I think drug company's should use her as a taste tester.

Any way- So needless to say, here I am home for week 3 out of 4 with yet another flu kid. She had me up a lot last night running a high fever. For a little while she was at 104. I was washing her down with a cool wash cloth till we got her back in the 101 range.

Say a prayer for us that we can get this tama flu in her so this will be a short lived bug for her!!!

Happy Monday Everyone!!!

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