Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Boy do we have some catching up to do!

so here we go:
Easter was awesome! We enjoyed a great Breakfast, hunted some (I mean 9 dozen) Eggs, relaxed, Aunt Gail joined us for some Easter ham and off to bed. Non eventful day except for that snow storm we would have off and on.

So Monday morning 3/24, we are on spring break and boy do I have plans for us. I go to the gym at 5:30 am to get my work out in before anyone wakes up. I am going to have everything straightened up and when the kids get up we are going to get out and enjoy the nice weather, but wait who is that waking up at 6:30 am running a 102.5 temp?? oh of course, let's see the only Bloomfield child to not have the flu yet. EMILY.
So to the doctor we go, cause if it is the flu we are getting Tami flu. Yup we are positive. To Walgreen's. To bed. Great start to our spring break!!!

so Tuesday 3/25, yeah this is the day we would have spent at the ZOO. Yup home with the flu.

so Wednesday 3/26, yeah today would have been that day we were going to get a hotel room with the Rybaks, take them swimming, and have a great time!. YUP did not happen. But we did manage to go to the park for an hour. It did us all a lot of good, even Emmie. but then back home cause she still was not completely better.

so Thursday 3/27, so this is the day that I think might be our turn a round she is breathing good, she is up and moving and getting stir crazy, so I talk to Cheryl and if there are not changes by noon we are off to the Holiday Inn St. Peters for a little swimming, and playing with our friends. We meet up there at 4 ish. swim for an hour, Danny had a soccer game so we took the kids to watch, then picked up dinner from Pasta House, took it back to the pool with us and played till about 10:30 ish. Got everyone ready for bed and the REAL FUN BEGINS.
Breathing disaster!!!!!!!!!!! Em is up all night just coughing her head off. about 4 am she wakes up just barking like a seal. I fly out of bed, get her treatment started, and throw on my cloths (the best part was Cheryl and I had adjoining rooms), so I tapped her door to tell her Em and I were off to the back of the Parking lot (Barns St. Pet). I am so bad that I did not even put her in a seat belt. CROUP! yuck I hate that. Cus this stupid illness only is horrible at 2,3,4 and 5 am.

So FRIDAY you know where we were??? Yup home with Croup. We did go back to school on Monday, but goodness what a s**tty spring break! We had to miss Bailey's 1st out door game cause Em had to be home (she really never even wanted to get out of bed or her pj's)