Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Time to reward them now!!

You see, we started something last year......................When Bailey would get a good report card, we would let her pick where she wanted to go (some place fun like roller skating, the park, ice skating, etc.) This time Dan and I decided WE would pick the fun for both of them. Aunt Kath called on Friday and asked Emily to spend the night on Saturday............. So let the FUN begin. We took Emily to Aunt Kath Saturday around noon and headed to Union Station for some lunch (the 4 of us, Me, Dan, Bailey and Danny) We were looking for Hooters (Danny loves that place) but they no longer exists there. So we each picked out our own lunch place. Went to the Fudgery (kids loved the songs and such) and headed to the CITY MUSEUM!! WOW what a day. We spent almost 7 hours there. Climbing, Running, Jumping, Crawling, Sliding, and a little eating. What a BLAST all 4 of us had. We had to drag the kids out of there after 8 PM. I was a little sore on Sunday morning, but it was all worth it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go Bloomfield kids!!! I'm so glad to hear you are doing so well in school and I'm sure you had a great day celebrating that success with your mom and dad.
Love Kristi