Monday, July 14, 2008

All for nothing!! Hope not!!

Okay, so many of you know that I was having surgery on my sinuses...................... Well that was Friday. So I have surgery and the doctor says that my sinuses were not as bad as they were when he did the CT Scan. So now my question for the doctor is did I do it for nothing????? I hope not! You know the feeling of the worse cold you have ever had? Well that is what my head feels like only they do not let you blow your nose! I have some swelling in my face (not a lot) but enough to make it uncomfortable! Well I will see Dr. J Hanson on Friday and have to ask him if it was still effective even though there was not much to clean out!!!!!!!!

Enjoy your week!

1 comment:

Alissa said...

I hope it worked! Isaac was talking about you the other day!