Sunday, January 27, 2008

Okay, I'm Keeping up here!

Let's see, Great long weekend! I went Scrap booking in Ditmer, MO. Had a great time, caught up 28 more pages of our family album (2006 that is) but hey, I'm working on it! Great thing for me is that I am really together now with my pictures for the rest of my 2006 book and have started getting my 2007 together so that I can flow right on in to it. But most exciting for me is that I have my last Monday of the month events to attend and an overnight in February and I am hopping by March (keep my fingers crossed) I will be working on My 07 book and getting it done by fall only to try and catch up with 08 at that point! Oh well, at least I know I will never run out of scrap booking to do!!!!

Dan is doing great with his knee. He is recovering very well. He wished he would have done it sooner! He is hoping to be on the golf course by next weekend! His mom moved to a skilled nursing home last Monday and seemed to be making a little progress only to end up back at the hospital last night. With breathing and heart issues. They have her stabilized and hopefuly will start the recovery process again!

Bailey closed up her cookie sales yesterday! She fell a little short of her goal, but we will also get credit for booth sales that our troop will be doing, so she is hoping to make it up then!

Danny is playing soccer and getting his booty beat! There team is in a tough league this year! But I think he is still enjoying it. He is very excited and making plans for his upcoming Birthday! So excited to be 6.

Emily is Emily, she is board at school and cant wait to be a big kid. She is also planning her upcoming Birthday and excited to be 5. Kindergarten registration is the same week as her birthday and she thinks that is so very cool.

All 3 kids are wanting a Lizard of some kind! Man just what I need something else to feed, water and take care of. Sometimes I think that I cant wait to make it to a nursing home for someone to take care of ME!

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