Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Happy Birthday Grandpa Spot

Today is Dan's Dad's birthday. He died 10 years ago this coming September, so my children have never known him, but boy do they know him in stories. They love when Dan and their Uncle Pat or Jim tell them stories about Grandpa Spot. I have even heard them exchanging stories with their cousins before.

Well here is a cute story that brought a tear to my eye (and maybe even Dan's too):

Danny, Emily and I left preschool today, and went to the store to get each of them yet another WEBKINZ (they love those things) They had both gotten money for there birthday and they wanted to each get one. So we are driving and Danny asks "Mom, was the other morning Emily's Birthday?" me- "yesterday was Emily's Birthday, remember we gave her presents and went to dinner last night?" Danny- "So then that means today is Grandpa Spots Birthday right?" me-"you are correct, you have a great memory" at this point Danny and Emily start to sing "Happy Birthday to Grandpa Spot" It was very cute!!

So Happy Birthday Grandpa Spot!!!! (and as Danny said, and many more!!!)

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