Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Finally a little snow!

Okay so we got a wopping 2.5 inches of snow finally!! Yeah St. Peters!!!! Look you can still see the edges of our deck. It is not even 2.5 inches of pure inches all over!!!

Bailey is trying to make snow angels on the deck and almost went to the wood!! Not enough for a snowman that's for sure!!!
Pray that we have school tomorrow cause lord these children will not last another day at home this week! (Oh wait, I'm the one that will not last another day at home!)
Till next time,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you want to go sledding, build a snowman, or make angels just come to my house. We got 8 inches of snow!!!! Will had so much fun today that the poor guy went to bed at 7:00.
Love Kristi